Why Worry?

How's it going team?

You hanging in there? Going strong? I have 3 exams this week; I look at it like a preliminary finals week- you know, just giving me a fun little taste of what's to come. So don't mind me if I seem a little... loopy. I was at Club Library for about 12 hours yesterday. At one point, I looked up and was startled by the wall behind me. That's when I left. (You have to watch those sneaky walls! They'll get you!)

Last weekend was my sorority's semi-formal, which was a super fun night. I enjoyed being able to dance and forget about all of the stressors in my life for a little while. Plus my fiancé (I have to use that term whenever possible, since it's just so much fun!) came up for the weekend to be my date. He also helped me out when I was at the library by doing a Burger King run, because does everyone get super hungry when they're studying or is that just me? In whatever case, it was much appreciated, because nothing can soothe my anxiety more than chomping down on a Whopper Jr (I like to stick with the classics.)

We're down to 21 days before December 1st. I came across this quote on SDN and I thought it was very fitting. Because worrying is such a useless emotion, isn't it? All it does is cause headache and heartache and for what? For nothing! I can't go back and change anything, yet here I am running my interviews back and forth through my mind until I'm exausted. So that's why I like this quote. It reminds me of a very simple fact: what's done is done. And now I have to move on with life and accept whatever outcome has been made for me.

(By the way, this is the first time I'm trying the mobile Blogger app, so I have no idea what this is going to turn out like.)

Time to keep on keeping on! Immunology is calling my name. What's that immunology? I'm ignoring you? Well maybe SOMEBODY'S too needy? Have you ever thought about my feelings?

(I was serious about that loopy thing. I'll be in the library. Send help!)

Until next time,


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