Give Me a Break!

Well Blogosphere, I am home. Home sweet home. Home is where the heart is. Home is where I don't have to change out of my pajamas all day. (Don't act like you don't do that too.) Thanksgiving is upon us, which means that I can feast on my Grandma's delicious homemade food and pretend like I care about football for 4 hours. But really, Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. After dinner, my family and I quiz each other with turkey day trivia - something we've been doing for as long as I can remember. And even though the questions are the same every year, I still am just as bad as the year before. There's just something about turkey trivia that just doesn't stick with me. By the way, did you know that turkeys are the only breed of poultry native to the Western Hemisphere? Well now you do!
It is now 6 days until December 1st. On the one hand, I want the day to come as soon as possible so I can stop freaking out. (And I'm pretty sure my friends and family would also appreciate this, so they could stop listening to me freaking out.) On the other hand, I want this extended weekend to last as long as possible, so I can enjoy my break and not worry about the finals that I will be taking in 2 weeks. What a cruel combination- having a break that tricks you into developing a false sense of security while finals wait just around the corner when you're off your guard. Oh well. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, and instead I think I'll enjoy these 5 days off.

I've already had two schools change their decision status on my AADSAS portal. "Please check back December 1st." Oh trust me, AADSAS, I will.

What do you do for the holidays? What are some of your fun Thanksgiving traditions?

Until next time,


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