
Showing posts from February, 2018

Dumbing Down

It's Hump-Day! Congratulations, you've officially made it half-way through the week! If you're having a week like I am, then you are currently experiencing the Moody Midterm Blues as I like to call them. I have a thousand tests and no energy. So, things are going really great. Michigan is also currently getting DUMPED ON (literally.) The forecast calls for snow all day, every day and we'll never see the sun again. (Thus why I tan for a few minutes each week. I need that Vitamin D.) Moody Midterm Blues I'm going to be very candid here. Throughout undergrad, I thought people who had majors that weren't science-related had it easy. I didn't think they had to kill themselves over their studies, like us science majors did. I would look at their homework load and laugh. I didn't take them seriously. Now that i'm in the non-science category (besides our anatomy and speech science classes), I see how very wrong I was. And I've experienced not

Situational Comedy

It's finally Thursday! Thursday is the start of my weekend and I could not be happier for this weekend to come. Taking seven classes is finally starting to catch up with me. Even though in dental school I would be taking up to 26 credits a semester, I didn't really care if I passed or not because I didn't want to be there anyway (wow that got real dark, real fast.) So I didn't put too much effort into anything. Now that I'm in a program that I absolutely love, I not only want to do everything I can to be the best SLP possible, but I also have a real, personal interest in all the material. Combine that with seven classes and I'm up every night reading one thing or the other.  However, unlike the PJ that was in dental school, this PJ knows not to let herself get too stressed out. I've learned that it's not worth it to ruin your body because you're so stressed to the max you can't think straight. (And I learned this the hard way.) So new grad sc