
Showing posts from July, 2016

Baby's First Cleaning

TGIT Everybody! (Thank God It's Thursday!) We don't have classes on Friday for the rest of the semester, so Thursdays are my Fridays now! I'm definitely less productive now that I don't get up and do things on Fridays, but whatever, I could use the break I guess. So if you read my blog yesterday, you know that today was my first cleaning! (Not the first time I've had my teeth cleaned, but the first time I've cleaned a patient's teeth.) And it went great! I will say I was a little nervous, definitely not super frazzled, but a little on edge. There are just so many steps to remember; when do I take the blood pressure? When do I check in with faculty? When do I do the extraoral/intraoral exam? It can be really overwhelming. But it ended up going smoothly and my professor was so happy with how I was cleaning my patient's teeth that he said I "put a smile on his heart." Literally, one of the best things I've ever heard from a faculty membe

Pokemon and New Kids

Happy Wednesday! The D1s have started showing up around our school and I literally could not be more excited. I see them walking with their articulators to the pre-clinic and I just shudder thinking about when that was me last year. Ugh. Waxing. So glad those days are over. Oh wait, I'm waxing a molar on Monday. Well, that'll be Monday's problem. Anyway, I have my first perio patient tomorrow, meaning I will be cleaning someone's teeth for the first time. I'm excited, even more so than nervous. I figure if I can do a filling on someone I can clean their teeth... We'll find out tomorrow, won't we?! I guess it's true what they say about summer in dental school; it's pretty chill. Dental school, chill? Not two words I will probably ever say together in the same sentence. (Unless the sentence is "I need to chill out about how hard dental school is.") I guess the professors are taking pity on us since it's the beautiful summer and we'r

Follow me on Twitter!

Hey guys! To better keep up with my everyday life, follow me on Twitter. Watch as I try to limit my struggling to a mere 140 characters. Hope your Thursday is going well! Until next time, PJ

My First Patient

I broke my promise to you guys.  I said I wouldn't leave you again and then I did. It's a combination of being busy, lazy in my sparse free time, not feeling like anyone's reading this (although you are), and feeling like I don't have important stuff to say.  But I'm really going to try guys, like really really try. And honestly, I can say that when you all leave me comments it really motivates me to get back to writing. And writing is something that I truly enjoy doing, so here I am, trying to keep writing once more. So, it finally happened.  I HAD MY FIRST PATIENT. It was basically a nightmare scenario.I didn't know about my patient until 5 mins before it was time for the appointment because of a scheduling error. It was a filling on a front tooth - something that everyone would see every time my patient talked. And my patient was unhappy with having to wait so long (for issues that I'm not going to get into because they're unimportant.) But th