
Showing posts from April, 2015

"As we go on, we remember, all the times we've had together"

Hello all! Well, Physics is done. I know you all have been waiting with baited breath to see if I passed or not, and I won't know for a while. But, I finished the final. The terrible, terrible final, yesterday morning and I never wish to see another question about electric potential, or electric fields, or magnets, etc etc ever again. So now all that's left is to graduate. It seems really surreal, walking around campus and realizing that I'm never going to be here again. Sure I might visit, but it's not going to be like it was in the past. Everything will be different, I'll be different. I was driving to class yesterday morning on the way to my Physics final, and Rod Stewart's "Forever Young" came up on my radio and I literally started crying. Why am I so emotional about leaving Grand Valley? Maybe it's because it's given so much to me. It gave me a foundation for my future career, it made me more confident and strong in my leadership abilities

Sick as a Dog...Woof.

Hey y'all Wow, the flu or something like it really hit me hard today. I was in Ceramics trying to figure out how the heck to attach a tiny porcelain bunny head to a tiny porcelain bunny body (long story) and all of a sudden it hurt my hand to close my fingers, and then it hurt my knee to bend my leg, and then my head started pounding and then I felt like I was hit by a truck. Boy am I in bad shape. My future sister-in-law had something very similar to what I feel like I have now over Easter, so I'm pretty sure that's how I got sick. I've been laying in bed for the past 4 hours binge-watching Parks and Rec, so at least I have that to help me feel better. These two are always the cure. My marriage class is this weekend, so hopefully I can shape up before then. In order to get married in a church, Jeff and I have to take this marriage counseling class before hand. I'm kind of nervous, yet kind of excited (more nervous than excited) to go. It's 8 hours long,