
Showing posts from March, 2016

Guys, I'm Back!

Oh My Lanta Everyone, I just decided to check if anyone still reads this blog on a whim and by golly, yes! A LOT of you still do! I'm sorry I abandoned you! I got married, I started dental school (I'm almost done with my D1 year!) Things have really, seriously changed. Dental school is about as hard as I was expecting. There are tons of exams, the hand-skills are mind-boggling and you basically feel stupid 24/7. But I'm trying to keep a good attitude about things, and I think I'm pretty much succeeding at it. I have break-downs every now and again, thinking that there's no way I'll ever be a real life dentist - but the best thing is to remember that I have to take everything one day at a time. One day at a time. It's basically my mantra. I'll start thinking about the exam I have tomorrow, the project sheet I have due after that, the exam the next day, the clinical practical the next, and then I stop myself. One day at a time. Did I accomplish what