
Showing posts from November, 2014


Today I am thankful for many things. Thanksgiving is always a time to reflect on the things we are thankful for, but I feel like this year I have so, so many reasons to express my gratitude. Even more than usual. My life is basically a dream. Don't get me wrong, I'm not prancing around like Princess Middleton with people waiting on me hand and foot, but I can't even express how happy I am right now. I have a family who loves me and supports me unconditionally, I have friends who are always there for me, and I have an amazing fiancé who makes me happy to be alive every time I'm with him. Most importantly, I have my Grandma B. She was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago and has been battling it ever since. So above all, I am thankful for every holiday I get to spend with her. It's cliche but you really don't appreciate people for who they are until you're scared you might not be able to anymore. Reflecting on all these things in my life, it makes m

Give Me a Break!

Well Blogosphere, I am home. Home sweet home. Home is where the heart is. Home is where I don't have to change out of my pajamas all day. (Don't act like you don't do that too.) Thanksgiving is upon us, which means that I can feast on my Grandma's delicious homemade food and pretend like I care about football for 4 hours. But really, Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. After dinner, my family and I quiz each other with turkey day trivia - something we've been doing for as long as I can remember. And even though the questions are the same every year, I still am just as bad as the year before. There's just something about turkey trivia that just doesn't stick with me. By the way, did you know that t urkeys are the only breed of poultry native to the Western Hemisphere? Well now you do! It is now 6 days until December 1st. On the one hand, I want the day to come as soon as possible so I can stop freaking out. (And I'

Oh the Weather Outside is...No.

Merry Christmas! I mean Happy Thanksgiving! I mean...happy November 18th? What is this nonsense? I woke up Monday morning to a horrendous site that made me shake with fear. Snow. And not a light dusting of snow as would be expected this time of year, snow snow. As in, did I just step out of Arendale, and if so why has Queen Elsa been replaced by a crotchety, old bus driver telling me to "move it?" So now I'm buried neck deep (that might be a bit of an exaggeration) in snow and it's not even December yet. I mean heck, here I am desperately waiting for December and now I have a constant reminder every time I step outside that it is most definitely NOT December.  Here are some examples to show you that I am only slightly  exaggerating. So now here I am, watching Masterpiece Theater and drinking hot chocolate because I don't even know what to do with myself anymore. 12 days until December 1st. We're nearing single digits now, and I don't know if that&


Where's Kelly Rowland? Because I'm in need of some motivation. (Ha! See what I did there?) I've finished two exams this week, and now I have to study for my third one on Friday. Needless to say after my exam today, I am exhausted. I was in the library until 12:30 last night and I got up early to go back to the library at 9:00 this morning to study for Immunology before my exam. I don't know of any of you have taken Immunology, but it is not a good time. I took Immunology because a dental student recommended that I take it, since it's such a challenging course in dental school and any exposure I could get to it before then would be beneficial. So I took it! And really, it is really interesting! And I have an awesome professor, which always helps. But oh my goodness. The human body is an extremely complex system, as I'm sure you all know, and your immune system is ESPECIALLY complicated. As I was telling a friend the other day, after taking this class, I have n

Why Worry?

How's it going team? You hanging in there? Going strong? I have 3 exams this week; I look at it like a preliminary finals week- you know, just giving me a fun little taste of what's to come. So don't mind me if I seem a little... loopy. I was at Club Library for about 12 hours yesterday. At one point, I looked up and was startled by the wall behind me. That's when I left. (You have to watch those sneaky walls! They'll get you!) Last weekend was my sorority's semi-formal, which was a super fun night. I enjoyed being able to dance and forget about all of the stressors in my life for a little while. Plus my fiancé (I have to use that term whenever possible, since it's just so much fun!) came up for the weekend to be my date. He also helped me out when I was at the library by doing a Burger King run, because does everyone get super hungry when they're studying or is that just me? In whatever case, it was much appreciated, because nothing can soothe my anxi

How to Make Time Pass Faster

Tired of waiting for December 1st? Is every minute lazily passing by a million times slower than the one before? Have you studied every thread on the Student Doctor Network forums so many times your eyes have gone crossed? Never fear! I've put together a list of ways you can make those 26 days (I'm not counting) before the first day of Dental School decisions are released pass by in a flash! 1.) Take up a new hobby! Ever thought about picking up a musical instrument? Well, there's no time like the present. Now you can finally be the harpist, flutist, or acoustic guitar player you've always known you could be! 2.) Solve a jigsaw puzzle. The more pieces the better. Buy one with a peaceful, serene theme, such as boats on a river, or palm trees swaying in the wind. Best to stay away from anything emotionally stirring. 3.) Express yourself creatively. A great way to get out some of those feelings is materializing them . Paint a picture, sculpt a statue, make some pottery.