Oh the Weather Outside is...No.

Merry Christmas!

I mean Happy Thanksgiving!

I mean...happy November 18th?

What is this nonsense?

I woke up Monday morning to a horrendous site that made me shake with fear. Snow. And not a light dusting of snow as would be expected this time of year, snow snow. As in, did I just step out of Arendale, and if so why has Queen Elsa been replaced by a crotchety, old bus driver telling me to "move it?"

So now I'm buried neck deep (that might be a bit of an exaggeration) in snow and it's not even December yet. I mean heck, here I am desperately waiting for December and now I have a constant reminder every time I step outside that it is most definitely NOT December. 

Here are some examples to show you that I am only slightly exaggerating. So now here I am, watching Masterpiece Theater and drinking hot chocolate because I don't even know what to do with myself anymore. 12 days until December 1st. We're nearing single digits now, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. So for now, I wait. And try not to freeze.

Until next time,


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