
Showing posts from July, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer

Happy Sunday Funday! This week I was brought back to reality after spending a fantastic Fourth of July weekend up at a friend's cabin on Lake Huron. We did everything from watching fireworks, to swimming, to sunbathing and justifying floating as swimming. It was a fantastic weekend and I couldn't imagine being stuck at home instead. (Even though I didn't sleep very well. Me and tents do not mix, especially when I wake up to a 100 degree tent with no air circulation.) Here are some photos! It was so great being able to meet up with friends and catch up! The water seemed to go on forever! Jeff bought this dress for me at the farmer's market we went to that same morning! The sunsets were absolutely breathtaking. Anyway, after a weekend of bliss, I then went back to work at a dental clinic owned by the company I work for. After scanning and sorting through files, I learned how to make confirmation calls which was an interesting experience. Having th

Summer Migrant Fluoridation Program

Happy Tuesday! Today has been a busy day. I got an extremely rude wake-up call from my alarm clock at 5:00 am. (the nerve) since I had to be at my work site by 6:30 a.m. and it's almost an hour away from my house. Exciting announcement alert! I got a job! In the dental field! (Crazy right, when does that opportunity ever present itself for us non-trained pre-dental hopefuls?) Right when school ended, I contacted every dental clinic in my community asking if they needed any volunteers. I felt pretty defeated when I didn't hear anything back from any of them for a long time. But then miraculously, one contacted me and said that their HR department wouldn't let me volunteer in the clinic (bummer), but they had a job opening for a dental clerk in their summer fluoridation clinic (yay!) I jumped on the opportunity, made a resume, contacted my references and applied the very next day. I then had an interview scheduled within the next week and prepared myself the best I could.