Saying Yes

Hey guys!

So random - my blog background just decided to randomly break. I'm not sure why. And i'm not sure if it's happening on everyone's computer, but... sorry about that. I'm working on fixing it. I'm also working on scrapping the whole design of the blog and redoing it. I said I was going to do this over break, but apparently Blogspot hasn't updated their design layouts since the turn of the century, so... It's going to take some coding to make it what I want. And by coding I mean my husband. Thanks Jeffy :)

Today was a great day. It was the longest day of my life - or it felt like it anyway. I'm so not used to the 8 am - 5 pm class schedule - I have to get back into the swing of things. But, classes aside, I assisted in the clinics and guess what I got to do? Give my first ever shot! Woo-hoo!

Is that a weird thing to be celebrating? Yes. Am I going to celebrate anyway? Yes.

Now that I'm a D2, all of these D3 and D4s keep springing things on me in the clinic. "Polish and floss!" "Anesthetize the patient!" My first instinct is to always say no. It's something I need to work on, and I will I promise, but right now I usually respond with some sort of quiet gasp and a head nod.

"Uhhhh, I'm good!"

"Do it."


I'm grateful for it because it helps me grow. And it's helping me see the benefits of spontaneously saying yes to things. Usually I have to be so in my head before I do something major. I have to re-read things, watch videos, mentally plan it out in my head. But I should let go. I should stop being such a control freak - since that's what it boils down to - and just say yes.

Did anyone actually see this movie?

We'll see how it goes when I'm in clinic next.

Until next time,


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