All's Well That Ends Well

I've almost got you all caught up on what happened in my six weeks spent at Case - I didn't keep track of it as it was happening so I'm sure you're not hearing the majority of my experience. However, I think you've got the general gist of things. So when I was at my program, we had a variety of clinical experiences that we got to participate in. Each of the pre-dental students got four shadowing hours in the dental clinic and an opportunity to watch an oral surgery, (which you've already heard about.) My second day in the clinic, the dental student I was observing asked if I wanted to assist. I basically died of excitement after she asked me and told me to glove up. I didn't do anything a monkey couldn't do (hold the high-vac, floss in a dental dam), but it was still one of the coolest things I did at the program and I was on cloud nine afterwards. (Don't question what excites me - I'm a nerd, we all know.) Jill and I before clinicals O...