Be Flexible.

What's up guys!

Today is Friday, which means that tomorrow is when Jeff's cousin gets married! I'm so excited. I love the couple that's getting married (plus I'm related to them) and it's going to be such a beautiful wedding. I love weddings. What's better than seeing two people in love profess their commitment to teach other to the world? (Plus there's usually cake. Except at my wedding we didn't have cake, we had cake balls. Same difference.)

Our cake and cake balls 

Today was my last assisting session needed to fulfill my assisting requirement for the semester. It was supposed to be a comp core, but we had a pulp exposure so now it needs a root canal. Which we kind of expected was going to happen anyway at the beginning, but we wanted to see if we could avoid a root canal first. The dental student handled it exceptionally well. Not everything goes the way you're expected it to go in the clinic, in fact, most things don't go anything like you're expecting them to go. Flexibility is necessary.

Did your elementary school harp that on you guys as much as mine did. I'm pretty sure it was one of our "core values." "Be flexible!" The phrase would be posted all over the school. I see the value in it now. Something different than what you're expecting can happen and you can 1.) freak out or 2.) go with the flow. I'll take the flow any day.

Any exciting plans for the weekend? Any weddings in your future? Comment below!

Until next time,


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